Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get tickets for the concerts?

Season tickets are provided with a donation of $75 or more. Donations are 100% tax deductible. Once you become a member, you can reserve your tickets via Eventbrite. The private link to concerts will be available after you become a member.

Where do the concerts take place?

Central Oregon Symphony Concert performances and Donor Chamber Music Concert Series are held at Caldera High School.

Music In Public Places events take place in multiple venues throughout Central Oregon. We post the location information for each MIPP event on the concerts page.

Can I watch a symphony rehearsal?

Symphony Rehearsals are open to the public. We welcome anyone to sit-in and listen to us practice. Most of our rehearsals are held at Wille Hall, COCC Campus Center, 2600 NW College Way, Bend, Oregon 97701.

How do I practice Good Concert Etiquette?

It is the behavior that is considered appropriate and polite while enjoying or performing a live musical performance. Good concert etiquette shows respect for the conductor, performers, other audience members, and the music that is being performed.

What Should I Do As An Audience Member?

1. Before the concert begins and during intermission, please enjoy the opportunity to talk with your friends and move about the auditorium. However, once the lights dim and the concert starts, please end your conversation and remain in your seat until the lights in the auditorium are illuminated. Talking and movement are very distracting to the musicians on the stage and your fellow audience members.

2. If you need to enter or leave during a performance, please do so quickly and quietly, and whenever possible, during applause. It is customary to keep latecomers in the lobby area until after the first piece has been performed in order to prevent a distraction to musicians and audience members.

3. Applaud after each full piece of music has been completed. This one can be a bit tricky. Sometimes composers group together several movements (smaller pieces) into a single, larger composition. Though many of these individual movements merit applause, it is tradition to maintain the silence between them until the whole piece has been performed. If you're questioning when to applaud, simply wait until the majority of those around you are clapping.

4. Cell phones or other electronic devices should be turned off or to mute. Using a phone to take pictures (or play games or check email) during the performance is very distracting to the audience members, especially those who are behind you. Recording concerts is strictly prohibited by copyright laws, so please refrain from doing so.

5. We welcome children at our concerts! However, parents or guardians should keep children seated and not allow them to move about during the concert. If a child becomes restless and disrupts others' ability to listen, we would respectfully ask that you leave the performance area. The same is true for adults!